Our 2023-24 Annual Stewardship Appeal has begun. This appeal is to support the regular operation of our parish through Offertory giving. It is separate from the Under One Roof campaign to replace our roof and heating & air conditioner systems. We are aiming for 100% participation in our Offertory by all parishioners. The pledge will be conducted during Mass on October 28 & 29 (Click to view and submit the pledge on our Stewardship page at any time.) Thank you for your generous support for our parish.
We are conducting a comprehensive survey of the parish. This planning study follows an extensive process that helped produce our strategic priorities. Before we make any final decisions regarding proposed plans for our Basilica and our parish, we would like to hear from you regarding our needs and the possibility of conducting a major fundraising effort. Your feedback will enable us to determine potential support for several projects. Your input is valuable as we plan for the future of Sts. Peter and Paul.