National Vocation Awareness Week will be celebrated in our country November 7-13, 2021. Please ask Our Lord for more dedicated, holy priests, deacons and consecrated men and women. May they be inspired by Jesus Christ, supported by our faith community, and respond generously to God’s gift of a vocation.
On April 24, 2021, Fr. Carter interviewed Sandy Pricer, Basilica parishioner, and the Founder and Co-Director of the St. Ambrose Catholic Homeschool Co-op. Click to read or watch the interview and for links to more information about our homeschool co-op.
Parents and other adults who serve in ministries that involve youth are now required to be certified under the “Safe Haven” program, which has replaced the previous VIRTUS Safe Environment program for the Diocese of Knoxville. The registration and training is available online (allow 2 hours).
La hermana Imelda Quechol ha sido honrada como líder comunitaria destacada en la publicación HEROES 2020 de La Paz Chattanooga, especialmente por sus esfuerzos abnegados el año pasado para coordinar y brindar ayuda a los necesitados en el área de Chattanooga durante la pandemia y después de los tornados. ******** Congratulations to Sister Imelda Quechol, MAG, the Basilica's Hispanic Ministry Coordinator, who has been honored as a featured community leader in La Paz Chattanooga's HEROES 2020 publication, especially for her work this past year to help the needy during the pandemic and following the tornadoes. Click to read Sister Imelda's leadership profile and see a short documentary, and the mayor's congratulatory letter.
The first phase of our parish “Under One Roof” capital campaign is off to a great start. We have composed a campaign prayer. We invite you to pray it to help invoke God’s blessings in this important project. You can find it in our bulletin, website, and also taped into our pews so that we can pray it together at Mass.
We are conducting a comprehensive survey of the parish. This planning study follows an extensive process that helped produce our strategic priorities. Before we make any final decisions regarding proposed plans for our Basilica and our parish, we would like to hear from you regarding our needs and the possibility of conducting a major fundraising effort. Your feedback will enable us to determine potential support for several projects. Your input is valuable as we plan for the future of Sts. Peter and Paul.
Our 130th Anniversary Parish Photo Directories have finally arrived! If you had your picture made for the directory, you may pick up the copy in the vestibule with your name on it or call the parish office to arrange to pick yours up. If you were not pictured but would like a copy, we have a limited quantity available for $8 in the parish office. Many thanks to Cathy Oliver for managing this project, Michael Stradley for his creative design work, and all the parishioners who helped to make this beautiful book a reality!
The First Session of the Tribunal of the Diocese of Knoxville for the Inquiry that will examine the life, Christian virtues, heroic offering of life, reputation for holiness and signs of intercessory power of Fr. Patrick Ryan took place Sept. 28, 2020 at the Basilica. Bishop Stika was the celebrant, with Bishop Spalding of Nashville as the primary concelebrant, Cardinal Rigali and many other clergy in attendance. The session began with sung Mid-Morning Prayer (Office of the Dead), continued with the swearing in of officials for the tribunal; commentary on the Life of Fr. Patrick Ryan by Dcn. Gaspar DeGaetano, Diocesan Postulator; and presentation of documents for the archive. The events continued with a sung Mass for the Dead for a Priest, offered for Fr. Patrick Ryan. At the conclusion of that Mass, the officials of the new Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Knoxville were sworn in, and Fr. David Carter was re-installed as pastor of The Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul. The Gloria Dei Schola sang the service and the Mass as well as an interlude of sacred motets, and the Basilica's recently completed pipe organ was played in full.
For 2020, Fr. Carter has named two recipients of the Servant of God, Fr. Patrick Ryan Award: Adam Foster and Guadalupe Morales. Please read the Parish Awards page to learn why they were chosen. The Servant of God, Fr. Patrick Ryan Award is given each year to members of the parish who exemplify the theological virtue of charity in imitation of the heroic witness of Fr. Patrick Ryan. Inspired by his example to that same measure of charity toward all our brothers and sisters in need, the recipient of this award has been recognized for selfless service, especially towards the poor and needy.