Greetings during this Epiphanytide! We didn’t get a White Christmas on Christmas Day, but as this is still technically part of the Christmas season, we are getting a white extended Christmas! That being said, I’d like to take the opportunity to address the incoming weather and how it might affect the parish this coming weekend. The bottom line is, the priests, by the grace of God and canon law, live at the parish. So, Mass will continue as normal. However, you don’t live at the parish, and many live at quite some distance and over a few mountains and through a few woods. As human beings with free will, I ask you to exercise it with prudence. Make good choices in accord with your own situation. I invite you to make your own prudential judgment on coming to Mass this weekend.
Remember that no one is held to the impossible. If the weather makes it impossible or even dangerous for you to travel, consider your obligation to attend Mass this Sunday to be dispensed. You are welcome to watch Mass online. If we are able to broadcast, you can watch ours. If not, there are plenty of other places in the world that have online Mass. At the very least, I encourage everyone to read and reflect on the readings for this Sunday as one way for you to fulfill the divine obligation to keep holy the Lord’s Day, from which there is no dispensation available. (Readings for Jan. 12, 2025, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord - USCCB)
I, for one, am looking forward to a little snow for a change. However, I do invite you to pray for all those that will be adversely affected by this inclement weather. Be sure to reach out to your neighbors and to those who are more in need, to check on them, especially the elderly and those who live alone.
God bless and take care!
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. David Carter, Pastor and Rector The Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul