At our English Masses on 5:30pm Saturday, 9:00am Sunday, and 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass and on holy days and designated basilica celebrations, our Gloria Dei Schola, directed by Maria Rist, leads the singing of the Ordinary, a selection of chant and choral Propers, and congregational hymns. They also offer a selection of polyphonic motets and other sacred choral music at each Mass. The pipe organ is played, and occasionally other instruments are played, as appropriate to the season.
This advanced ensemble accepts singers who can commit to regularly singing the Mass each weekend, as well as holy day Masses. Balance among the choral parts is important in this ensemble, and thus at certain times this group may invite new singers for certain voice parts (i.e., soprano, alto, tenor, and bass). Although it is primarily an adult ensemble, advanced youth singers may be invited. Attendance at an intense weekly Thursday rehearsal from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. is required, as well as the commitment to learn one's own part between rehearsals. Ability to match pitch and blend in the choir (non-vibrato) is essential. Due to the challenging repertory of music, some ability to read music (in either chant or modern notation) is important. Sight singing skills and vocal technique will be developed and improved by participation in this ensemble. Also, audio samples are provided for most of the music to aid in learning.
* Gloria Dei means glory of God. As Psalm 115:1 proclaims, Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy Name give the praise...We sing and serve for the glory of God!
Here are videos of our schola singing:
Hosanna Filio David,Tomas Luis de Victoria
Ubi Caritas by Maurice Durufle, arr. David Ensley
Ave Verum Corpus, William Byrd
O Vos Omnes by Tomás Luis de Victoria
O Crux, Ave Gregorian chant and polyphony by Palestrina
Surrexit Christus, G.-B. Pergolesi
Maria Magdalene by Andrea Gabrieli
My Mercy, Benedictines of St. Mary
Thou Knowest, Lord, by Henry Purcell
O Bone Jesu, by Michael Grancini
Gustate et videte, by Heinrich Isaac
O Esca Viatorum by Heinrich Isaac, with oboe, flute, and organ
O Magnum Mysterium. Tomás Luís de Victoria (a short clip from Christmas)
Christmas Alleluia chant (clip of our ladies' schola practicing for Christmas)
Ave Maria, Lorenzo Perosi (2-part men)
Gloria from Mass of the Patriarchs, based on an ancient French tone
Check out the full Song Repertory of the Gloria Dei Schola below, for a list of the songs the schola has adopted, including the lyrics, translations, and audio samples of various ensembles singing them.
Song Repertory with translations and audio links (updated 1/5/25)A Child Is Born in Bethlehem, Anon.
Adoramus Te, Christe, T. Dubois
Alma Redemptoris Mater, Solemn tone, Gregorian chant
Anima Christi, Fr. Marco Frisina
Beside Thy Cradle Here I Stand, J. S. Bach
Cantate Domino, G. Pitoni
Ecce Sacerdos, Abbé Maximilian Stadler
Faithful Cross, Galuszki/Misko
Gustate et Videte, H. Isaac
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, J. S. Bach
It Is Well with My Soul, Spafford/Bliss
Mass of St. Michael, O'Connor (#174-179 in St. Michael Hymnal)
Mass in Honor of St. Isaac Jogues, Ostrowski (SATB) Part Videos
O Holy Night (Cantique de Noel), Dwight/Adam
O Quam Suavis, Luigi Bottazzo
Peace, Perfect Peace, Orlando Gibbons (SATB)
Psalm 51: O Purify Me, Sykulski/Misko/Mueller
Rich In Mercy, Jacek Sykulski
Thanks Be to You, O Lord, P. Bebenek
To the Blessed Sacrament, Anon. (original, SSA)
To the Blessed Sacrament, ed. William Chimiak (SAB)
Veni, Veni, Emanuel, Christoph Dalitz + drone (SAB)
Veni Redemptor Gentium, C. Dalitz
Verily, Verily, I Say unto You, T. Tallis (with Basilica markings)
Virgin-Born, We Bow before Thee (A Catholic Book of Hymns, Noel Jones)
Welcome, Bread of Life, P. Bebenek