As Christmas Eve falls on the 4th Sunday of Advent in 2023, Catholics are required to attend both a 4th Sunday of Advent Mass on Dec. 23 or 24, and a Christmas Mass on Dec. 24 or 25.
(*Scroll down to read statement from the Diocese of Knoxville about this Mass obligation.)
At the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, our 4th Sunday of Advent Masses on Dec. 23 and 24 will be our regular weekend Mass schedule: Sat. 5:30 English, Sun. 7am Spanish, Sun. 9am English, 11:30am Latin, and 1:30 Spanish.
For the Solemnity of Christmas, the Basilica will offer
an English Vigil Mass at 5:30pm on Dec. 24 (prelude music at 5pm);
a Midnight Traditional Novus Ordo Mass at 12am on Dec. 25 (prelude music at 11:30pm Dec. 24).
Christmas Day 10am English, 12pm Spanish.
We will not be able to offer confessions before our Christmas Masses. Confessions will be offered weekdays at 11:30-11:55am as usual.
The Feast of the Holy Family Masses will be the weekend of Dec. 30 & 31 according to our usual Mass schedule.
The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is celebrated Monday, Jan. 1, 2024. It is not a holy day of obligation this year. We will have a 12pm Mass in English and a 6:30pm Mass in Spanish.
Statement from the Diocese of Knoxville about Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Mass obligation in 2023 (Issued 10/5/23):
Dear Brother Priests,
This year the Fourth Sunday of Advent falls on December 24, which has raised the “two-for-one” question: Can attendance at a Sunday Christmas Vigil Mass fulfill the obligation for both the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas? The prevailing answer of canonists is “No,” each obligation must be fulfilled with a separate Mass. This is also the desire of Archbishop Fabre. He asks that you let your parishioners know soon and remind them regularly that they should make every effort to attend both a Fourth Sunday of Advent Mass (either Saturday evening or Sunday morning) and a Christmas Mass (either Sunday evening or Monday). You may wish to revise your usual Christmas Mass schedule this year. We understand that fulfilling both obligations may prove to be a particular challenge if you are the only priest at your parish. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning your specific situation.