Sister Imelda Quechol, MAG, our Basilica's Hispanic Ministry Coordinator, has been honored as a featured community leader in
La Paz Chattanooga's HEROES 2020 publication, especially for her self-sacrificial efforts this past year to coordinate and provide aid for the needy in the Chattanooga area during the pandemic and following the tornadoes.
La hermana Imelda Quechol, MAG, Coordinadora del Ministerio Hispano de nuestra Basílica, ha sido honrada como líder comunitaria destacada en la publicación HEROES 2020 de La Paz Chattanooga, especialmente por sus esfuerzos abnegados el año pasado para coordinar y brindar ayuda a los necesitados en el área de Chattanooga durante la pandemia y después de los tornados.
Additionally, Sister Imelda was congratulated by Mayor Andy Berke on Jan. 21, 2021 with the following email sent to a City of Chattanooga official.
From: Andy Berke
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2021
Subject: Gracias
To: Pablo Mazariegos
Dear Pablo,
I hope this finds you well. I hope that you will let Sister Quechol know how profoundly moved I was by the "Seat of Honor" video that we released earlier this week, and that I particularly appreciate your involvement. It goes without saying that the past 11 months have been trying in ways that no one could have expected and which in so many ways we are still trying to process. The leadership of our faith community in helping people grieve, find meaning, and exist in community with each other -- despite our distance -- is essential.
My best wishes to you both for a safe, happy, and peaceful 2021.
Mayor Andy Berke
City of Chattanooga
(Mr. Pablo Mazariegos is an Intervention Specialist for the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Family Justice Center.)