Lorelei’s Library was established and dedicated on Oct. 5 to remember and honor Lorelei Truett (6/3/2007-12/2/2021), our 14-year-old parishioner who died last December as a result of leukemia. Lorelei had a great love for reading, and this library is meant to pass on to many young people the opportunity to love what she loved. The library of children and young adult books is open for parishioners of all ages. There are instructions on how to use the library on-site and on our website.
A children’s library is being established in our parish, as a legacy of Lorelei Truett, our 14-year-old parishioner who died of leukemia last December. Lorelei’s Library will be set up on the existing shelves in the hallway next to the church, near the Ombrellino Gift Shop. To help us make space for the children’s books, we invite you to stop by the bookshelves within the next few days and take home whatever books you would like. Books that are left after September 30 will be donated to charity.
Marc Aramian and his wife Veronica DiPippo are filming a professional docu-drama on the life of Servant of God Fr. Patrick Ryan and the yellow fever epidemic, and they are holding auditions for various off-camera speaking parts. They would like to include talented speakers and actors from Sts. Peter and Paul and the Chattanooga Catholic community. The roles will be assigned within the next couple of weeks, so if you would like to be a part of this exciting project, click for details.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION classes for age 4 through high school will be held Sunday mornings from 10:15 to 11:15, beginning the week of September 11, 2022. 3-year-olds will have a separate class, Friday mornings from 10:30-11:45am (also open to 4-year-olds). Catholics are expected to pursue the Sacraments of Initiation. In addition to the education provided by parents, participation in our parish Religious Education classes is required to prepare for receiving the sacraments. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION is in 2nd grade. CONFIRMATION is in 6th Grade (older youth also welcome). Click for more information including options for ADULTS seeking to complete their Sacraments of Initiation.
The Basilica St. Mary Magdalene Bereavement Ministry is now hosting a grief support meeting twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday, from 6:15-7:15pm (please note the new, earlier time) - in the St. Dominic Religious Education Building. All who have lost a loved one are invited. Find out more about our ministry and explore bereavement resources on our web page.
On March 17, 2021, Fr. Carter interviewed Nathan Bird, a Basilica parishioner who is engaged in understanding local politics, and the founder of the Chattanooga Civics website and podcast. Watch or read the interview here (as well as in the pastor's notes for March 28 and April 4). Note that Chattanooga has a run-off election for mayor and several city council seats on April 13, with early voting from March 24 to April 8.
Our parish has been chosen to receive a matching grant of $5,000 from the Pope Francis Charitable Trust Fund! These funds will allow our parish to support the needs of our Hispanic Ministry and the families of our Hispanic community. This fund was created through the HOME campaign. 10% of all dollars raised in parish campaigns have been set aside to provide matching grants to parishes to foster or accelerate their local, parish-based charitable efforts. Please join us in prayer that this important work will continue in the future.
The Tennessee Pro Life Leadership Conference, hosted by Students for Life of Southeast Tennessee, will be held Saturday, July 23, 2022, from 9am to 3pm, at Apison Baptist Church near Chattanooga. All ages welcome! Conference will feature Tina Whittington, VP of Students for Life of America; Seth Gruber, host of the Unaborted! Podcast; and numerous other inspiring and informative speakers from around the southeast. Register by July 15. Late registrations accepted for an additional $5. Click for details.
The Diocese of Knoxville Office of Christian Formation is offering the workshop "Diving into Baptism", Thursday nights in May 7:00-8:30pm on Zoom, presented by Rod Bennett. To register and receive the Zoom link email Chris Kite at ckite@dioknox.org.
Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting for adults age 18-59. Ash Wednesday and all Fridays are days of abstinence from meat for those over the age of 14. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. Those that are excused from fast and abstinence include the physically or mentally ill, including individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Also excluded are pregnant or nursing women.
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of devout Catholic men looking to give back to and support their community, family and church. Founded in 1882 by Fr. John J. McGivney, the organization has grown to over two million members worldwide. The Knights are actively seeking new members. An initiation for new members will be held at the Council 610 Hall on Monday, March 14 at 6:30 PM. Knights from Council 610, which is affiliated with the Basilica, will be available to discuss membership and answer your questions after each Mass the weekend of March 5 and 6.
We are starting a Saints Anna and Simeon Society, called “STASIS”, to spiritually support people in difficult or irregular marriage situations, including those divorced and separated, who desire to live in communion with the Catholic Church. Now on our Marriage page are Catholic resources to help you or someone you know. If you are interested in being a part of our STASIS network to give and/or receive spiritual support, contact the parish office.
The Church has begun a Papal Synod. In response to the invitation of our Pope and our Bishop, please visit synodsurvey.org to complete an anonymous 20-minute survey about your experiences with your local church, faith/religion and other circumstances. Catholics and non-Catholics of East Tennessee, ages 14 and up, are invited. Survey will close at 11:59pm Jan. 30. Thank you for your input.
Our RCIA candidates and catechumens have been meeting weekly since September to learn the Catholic faith. Sunday, Jan. 9th, at the 9:00 English Mass and the 1:30 Spanish Mass, they will participate in the Rite of Welcome. WE NEED SPONSORS to accompany the candidates on their faith journey. Please pray for our candidates, and contact our RCIA Coordinator, Dan Pacitti (rcia@stspeterandpaulbasilica.com), or call the parish office this week if you are interested in serving someone as a sponsor. Thank you!
After the past year with no receptions, we are preparing to resume our Reception Ministry gradually as the safety provisions allow. We need your help! The Reception ministry is an ideal opportunity for new and long-time parishioners to exercise hospitality, share your talents, get involved in our activities, and connect with fellow parishioners. Click to find out more...
The Basilica took up a second collection at our weekend Masses on Dec. 25 & 26 to assist the Diocese of Owensboro, KY following the catastrophic tornadoes there on Dec. 10-11. You may donate online at any time. Click for more information.
SEEK is a 3 day conference that will have over 1200 college students seeking an encounter with Jesus while immersed in Catholic community, participating in Sacraments, receiving talks from dynamic Catholic speakers, and prayer. For many students who are on the fence about following Christ this conference is a life-changing event. Please prayerfully consider donating to sponsor a student's conference attendance. Click for more info on donating.
The Chattanooga Area Food Bank needs help! Please bring food donations to the Basilica vestibule. Right now, the most needed food items are proteins, rice, beans, stuffing, soups, and anything easy to open and microwavable. They also need cash gifts. The same dollar this year buys 25% less food than last year. They also need volunteers to sort and pack food. Click here for more information, or call the Chattanooga area Food Bank at 423-622-1800.
In the spirit of the Visitation, would you consider bringing the joy of the Real Presence of Jesus to the homebound or hospital-bound? Training will be provided for current Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and those who are not yet enlisted as Extraordinary Ministers. Contact Dcn. Gaspar DeGaetano to join the Blessed Virgin Mary Visitation Guild in this mission of mercy. Click for details.
Jornada de Vacunación contra COVID-19 (Pfizer) - Domingo 29 de agosto en Nuestra Señora de Perpetuo Socorro (OLPH) de 1pm a 4pm, disponible para todos los mayores de 12 años. Gratis! Primera o segunda dosis. Vea un video aquí con respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre la vacuna.